• How long will the pants last?

    We tested intimawear by Bodyform® and we guarantee the same performance in excess of 50 washes for our standard period pants, and 25 washes for our Sleepwear range.   Read more: How To Wash Period Underwear | Bodyform® – Bodyform™  

  • Will my cotton period underwear take a long time to dry?

    The pants will take slightly longer to dry than your usual underwear due to the layers of materials used within the gusset. They need a little rest after all that absorption – after all, they work hard to give you a totally worry-free period. But, not t...

  • Is it hygienic to wash in 40 degrees?

    Great question. If you wash the pants at 40 degrees that won't remove all the microorganisms, sadly – however (here's the good news) a wash time of 90 minutes at 40 degrees has shown a reduction of many pathogens between 99,99% and 99,99999% depending o...

  • How do I wash the pants?

    There are a few easy steps to washing your intimawearby Bodyform® period pants. Firstly, rinse them in cold water. Then, pop them in your washing machine at 40 degrees with your usual load (don't use fabric softener or bleach as this can affect the effi...

  • How often can I wash my period pants?

    Great question. We guarantee that the pants will still work just fine after 50 washes at 40°C. (All hail mild cycles.) That's over 4 years of periods, if you have a regular flow. However, the pants can be used for much longer even though we can't absolu...